Thursday, March 26, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutors

Organic Chemistry TutorsOrganic Chemistry Tutors is a great resource to use when learning chemistry and science. You can learn about the scientific principles behind the elements, their properties, formation, and properties, in addition to other tips and techniques to help you get a good grasp of these chemical concepts. Getting a tutor can be a great help to get your chemistry under control so that you are always able to enjoy the educational experience.When you choose an instructor, it will be your responsibility to come prepared. This is true for any class as well as homework or projects. The reason being that you will not be graded on the work that you do but rather on the process that you use in doing the assignments. For this reason, it is important that you understand what each form or method of teaching actually entails and how well you learn from them.Your organic chemistry tutor will help you with a variety of things such as filling out a registration form that can be found online and it will also help you understand how to grade your own work for classwork, homework and projects. Sometimes you will need to follow directions given by your instructor in order to get your work done and sometimes you will need to find out on your own that it has been done.There are a few things that you should look for in an organic chemistry tutor. First, they should have a certificate or diploma. Also, it is imperative that you know what type of teacher they are because not all teachers are qualified. Also, these teachers should be someone who can work in a group environment with other students so that you will know that they are one to deal with.They should be willing to show you their work from time to time and also to discuss different chemistry tutorials. These tutors can work with the students in their group so that you are able to learn from one another and work together towards the same goal. Many times the students that you get from a group can be another form of encouragement that you need. They may be looking for someone that will help them out with a problem or someone that will answer their questions.These tutors work for themselves, but at the same time they are also looking for a full time job and need some money to support themselves. It is up to you to determine how much of your tuition is going to be spent for your tuition and how much is going to be left over after school. You will be paying for this tutoring and if you are not able to keep up with your payment plan, this can cause you to miss out on needed classes and consequently, drop out.With organic chemistry tutors, you can expect to learn a great deal and can definitely benefit from using a tutor. Some are willing to work together with other students in order to create a stronger group as well as give advice and share their knowledge with you. Some are just looking for more money and to be paid for more than just classroom work.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Factors to Consider When Scheduling a GMAT Test Date

Factors to Consider When Scheduling a GMAT Test Date Scheduling your GMAT test date is one of the most important parts of your overall GMATexperience. When should you take the exam? As soon as possible, or in several months time? Should you register for a fall or spring session?Here are four factors to consider before you choose a GMAT test date: 1. When are you applying to business school? Round 1, Round 2, or Round 3? Determine the deadline for submitting your GMAT scores to your prospective programs, as well as your ideal date. For example, perhaps you plan to submit your applications in January. It is obviously best to sit for the GMAT before January, but how long before? The GMATis just a single part of your application. You must also consider the time you will need to fill out the forms, complete your essays, and compile your transcripts and recommendations. Taking the GMAT in the summer or early fall will allow you to spend more time on the rest of your admissions package. You can also plan for a second GMAT test date in mid-fall if you would like to try to improve your score.These are a fewdaily activities that can improve your GMAT skills. 2. Where can you take the GMAT? GMAT testing centers are available in many places, but they are not necessarily located close to your home and each may have a different schedule. Find the center that is convenient for you. The closest location may not be the one you are most comfortable at, so try to visit your intended center before your GMAT test date. You may also want to take a few GMAT practice teststo help you prepare. Familiarize yourself with the best travel route to and from this location to minimize unexpected obstacles the day of your exam. It is also a great idea to pinpoint the nearest restrooms and break-rooms in the center, as your breaks are quite brief! 3. What does your schedule look like? Ideally, you will complete your GMATon a calm day. Your mind will be peaceful, and you will be thoroughly prepared. In reality, your selected GMAT test date may be one of the only times that an opening at your desired exam center overlaps with an opening in your busy calendar. With the knowledge that GMAT testing center schedules are not overly flexible, see what you can do with your own schedule to create the best experience possible on your exam day. Avoid times of high stress, like work deadlines, or times of high travel activity around holidays. Pick a date around events that will demand very little of your energy so that you can focus on performing well on the GMAT. These tips may help you reach your target GMAT score. 4. Are you ready to take the GMAT? Have you sat for a diagnostic practice exam recently? If your answer is no, set aside several hours to take a GMAT practice test. Do your results suggest that you are ready for the actual exam? Or would testing now result in an unsatisfactory score? Here are 5 steps to revitalize a struggling GMAT prep routine.Resources like GMAT tutors can help you address your weaknesses and further improve your strengths. Develop a study timeline, and then register for the GMAT accordingly. Remember, GMAT test dates fill quickly, so sign up as soon as you are able. Good luck!

Center for Kids Who Cant Read Good - Listening Exercise

Center for Kids Who Cant Read Good - Listening Exercise Ok, its been a busy week. Are you ready for an English listening exercise that will make you laugh? This week weve got one that uses a clip from the American comedy Zoolander. If you havent seen it, its a hilarious movie about male models.In this clip Mogatu, the guy with the crazy white hair, is offering to build a Center for Kids Who Cant Read Good to convince Zoolander, the guy in the silver jacket, to work for him.Watch the clip below, then see if you can complete the listening exercise.Answer the questions in comments and well respond.1. Why was Zoolander  a little hesitant to work with Mogatu?2. Why does Mogatu throw the coffee on his assistant?3. What is grammatically wrong with the name of Derek Zoolanders center?4. Why does Zoolander throw the model of the building to the floor?Having problems with Question #3? Click here for an explanation.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Five Things Your Students Will Remember About You

Five Things Your Students Will Remember About You As a teacher, you spend countless hours creating lessons, tidying your room, and grading homework. But the things your students will remember most about their time in your classroom arent the day-to-day tasks or types of homework assignments. Here are what students will remember about you years from now: How well you knew them. Its nice to know students names, but you show them you care when you remember that they play a sport or an instrument, or that they grew up in another country. Show interest in your students as people. It means a lot. You believed in them. Build your students confidence by encouraging them to set goals and work hard toward them. Let them know that you see their potential. Talk to them about what they want for themselves and then discuss those ideas as realities. Your goal was teaching students to better themselves. Yes, your job is to teach students to master your subject, but its about more than that. Make it your objective to help students improve themselves and their abilities, academically and otherwise. Your classroom felt safe. The student who feels comfortable enough to contribute ideas is the student who is excited about learning and growing. Make your classroom a place where all ideas are valued and all students are listened to and respected. Your door was always open. Life is not easy for all students. The high school years in particular are full of change and can be tumultuous and stressful. Make sure your students know that youre available as a sounding board when they need you, and that you are part of their extended support system. If you want to be the best teacher possible, think about the impact you want to have on your students and how your daily actions shape that influence. You can change your students lives for the better by how you teach them and how you treat them.

Theres Actually Science Behind Losing Your Train Of Thought

Theres Actually Science Behind Losing Your Train Of Thought Photo Via: There’s Actually Science Behind Losing Your Train of Thought Ever lose your train of thought? It’s frustrating and annoying, but it’s happened to everyone at least once. But more than that, researchers have now linked that obnoxious tendency to an actual, scientific explanation. On a neurological level, researchers have surveyed the brain at the moment a human being is startled (and therefore loses their train of thought), and found a surprising link between the lost-thought and a very well known symptom found in those with Parkinson’s disease. Losing your train of thought can happen as the result of a variety of stimuli, such as being interrupted or being startled by a loud noise or other, unexpected event. According to Adam Aron, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Diego (also the researcher that led this study), “An unexpected event appears to clear out what you were thinking.” The experiment ultimately shows the brain sending out an order to physically stop, thus interrupting the train of thought. Aron said the following: “We know what the electrical signals look like when somebody has to stop a movement. The radically new idea is that just as the brain’s stopping mechanism is involved in stopping what we’re doing with out bodies it might also be responsible for interrupting and flushing out our thoughts. We are providing a neural mechanism by which that happens. The same stopping system that gives you that kind of jolt when you are getting out of the elevator, and someone else is in your way and you have to stop, that same stopping system is stopping your train of thought.” This stopping system in the brain is known as the “subthalamic nucleus.” The subthalamic nucleus also happens to be the main focus of this study. The experiment was conducted with volunteers that put on an electrode hat and completed memory tasks on computers. The first test determined whether a surprise could make the volunteers lose concentration on their task. To do so, the computer would show them a string of consonants, which they were then told to compare to another string and determine if they were identical. This requires mundane concentration. To throw the volunteers off, a tone was used before the test part of the experiment. However, sometimes the researchers would mix up this tone by replacing it with the sounds of birds singing. And this distractor worked. The 21 volunteers that participated in the study either slowed in their test taking or made errors in their comparisons. Then, 22 new volunteers did the same test with the electrode hat on while seven others (with Parkinson’s disease) did a similar test, though the electrodes were implanted surgically. These electrodes read the brain activity and gave a very precise reading in those with Parkinson’s while the electrodes in the caps gave more of a rough idea of brain activity. The study found that volunteers were more likely to make mistakes the more the subthalamic nucleus was engaged by the “startling” sounds. According to Jan Wessel, a cognitive neurologist at the University of Iowa that worked on the study, “We’ve shown that unexpected, or surprising, events recruit the same brain system we use to actively stop our actions, which, in turn, appears to influence the degree to which such surprising events affect out ongoing trains of thought.” This is ironically something Parkinson’s patients are all too familiar with. The subthalamic nucleus is at work in Parkinson’s as well, and is responsible for the “freezing” qualities of the disease. For instance, when patients can’t focus easily or can’t initiate motion, this is their brain’s subthalamic nucleous, quite simply, directing the body to stop. The electrodes mentioned above are referred to as “deep brain stimulation,” which is meant to treat these symptoms. Because this same action is happening in “healthy” brains, researchers are led to believe that this system is a universal one, perhaps further explaining the complexities of such neurological diseases. Of course, scientists don’t stop there either. This knowledge could help to treat depression or PTSD in the future. According to Wessel, “It might also be potentially interesting to see if this system could be engaged deliberately and actively used to interrupt intrusive thoughts or unwanted memories.” Of course, these ideas are far in the future, and for the most part, just wishful thinking. According to Aron, “We don’t want to stretch it too far to make big claims about treating anything. This is highly speculative, but it could be fruitful to explore if the subthalamic nucleus is more readily triggered in ADHD.” This research may just be scratching the surface of its potential, but if this study is any indication, the future might just hold some of the most valuable neurological information yet.

5 Winter Super Fruits You Should Be Eating

5 Winter Super Fruits You Should Be Eating Image via But believe it or not, your winter fruit selection does not just have to be limited to apples or to the 90 percent of fruits that your grocer has shipped in from far away, thus removing much of the produce’s taste or nutrition. Unless youre branching out to specialty grocery stores, you are probably missing out on some of the most tasty and nutritious domestically grown fruits that are available this time of year. Some types of citrus fruits, such as those grown locally in Florida or even Hawaii, have the highest levels of heart-healthy antioxidants of any fruit, so you can still make your heart happy without having to pollute the planet with fruit shipped in from another continent. Kumquats Image via The edible skin on these tiny little citrus fruits are packed with disease-fighting antioxidants. A serving of five, which is a mere five calories, holds one-fifth of your daily fiber needs, along with a healthy dose of potassium. The fruits are sweet and tart and super versatile. Try slicing one up and toss it into a salad, or use it in place of orange zest when recipes call for it. Mix kumquats and avocado with red onion, cilantro, and lime for a unique take on salsa. When in search of the perfect kumquat, look for firm fruits that are bright orange in color, and store kumquats in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Star Fruit Image via Exotic tropical fruits tend to be higher in vitamin C and potassium, and lower in calories than domestic fruits, and star fruits are no exception. Much of the star fruits that youll currently find in stores originate from Hawaii or South Florida. The star fruits taste is a cross between citrus, apple, and pear, and you can just eat them as is or slice them into fruit salads Look for firm and evenly colored yellow star fruit. Be sure to handle with care, as star fruit bruises easily, and let the fruits ripen at room temperature for a few days until light brown ribs form and a full, fruity aroma develops this is when the fruit are at their sweetest point. You can refrigerate them for up to a week. Persimmons A study in the  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  found that a persimmon a day could be better for your heart than an apple, because it contains higher concentrations of the dietary fiber, minerals, and compounds that prevent the leading causes of heart disease, heart attacks and stroke. The persimmons’ flavor and texture has been compared to plums with spicy notes. You can use just the pulp or the entire fruit in pureed ice creams, or when baking breads and cakes. The most unexpected (yet delicious) use of persimmons is in savory dishes, such as in stir-fries or salads for a hint of sweetness. Rambutans Image via The rambutan, also known as hairy lychee or hula berry, is a tropical treat when summers lychees arent in season. They might even be better for you than green tea considering that rambutans have higher levels of the antioxidants flavanoids and anthocyanins, both of which are believed to reduce risk of cardiovascular problems. Look for rambutans in Asian and other specialty markets, and handle them with care theyre fragile and keep only a day or two at room temperature. If you wont be eating them right away, place the fruits in a perforated plastic bag and refrigerate. To enjoy them, simply peel and pop into your mouth, or add them to a fruit platter; you can cut the top half of the skin off to reveal the fruit. Quinces With twice the vitamin C of its native relatives, apples and pears, quinces are also high in antiviral phenolic compounds that have been found to combat the flu. So the next time that you’re feeling a bit under the weather, skip the Emergen-C and opt for a delicious and healthy quince instead. To find a selection of this fruit try specialty grocers, international markets, or farmers markets. The fruits taste best when cooked, so add them to long-cooked savory stews or roasts or use them in any dish that calls for cooked apples or pears.

5 Ways to Learn about Art this Summer - TutorNerds

5 Ways to Learn about Art this Summer - TutorNerds 5 Ways to Learn about Art this Summer The summer provides a great opportunity to experience local arts and culture throughout California. Students will primarily focus on academics during the school year so they should have a chance to open up their imagination and be creative during the summer. There are tons of different places for kids to learn about art ranging from traditional art history to interactive arts and crafts. Many young students who have a chance to maintain a creative outlet will end up lowering their stress and improving their concentration, which can help them immensely once the school year starts up again. 1. Take a class at a craft store There are several arts and crafts stores throughout Southern California that offer fun activity classes for kids. In addition to being creative, kids will get to take home their creation and share it with the whole family. Arts and crafts classes can serve as an excellent alternative to a full day camp because it allows younger kids the opportunity to socialize and learn something new during their summer break. Some stores that offer classes include Michaels and Jo-Ann Fabrics (READ: 5 Great Reasons to Volunteer this Summer). 2. Have a ceramics party Another popular hands-on art activity is to paint ceramics. Southern California has several places that have pre-made ceramic sculptures that kids can glaze to create a fun and imaginative object. Families can get together and have an impromptu party where everybody can socialize and just have fun. Additionally, local art centers offer kids a chance to build a vase or sculpture from scratch. Some local options include the Irvine Fine Arts Center and Color Me Mine. 3. Visit a local art museum Another great way for kids to experience art over the summer is to visit one of the many local art museums in Southern California. Many art museums have family-friendly exhibits that are interactive and encourage a kids imagination to soar. Older students can learn about art history as well while they tour the galleries and view art from medieval times to present. Also, some art museums offer group tours or summer day camps where kids can enjoy the atmosphere of the artwork but also participate in creative hands-on activities. This is a great opportunity for a young artist who doesnt have as much time as they would like to participate in art during the school year. Local art museums include the San Diego Museum of Art and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (READ: 5 Awesome Educational Activities to do on a Summer Road Trip). 4. Get out the sidewalk chalk Playing with sidewalk chalk is one of the easiest forms of summer art. Kids only need a pack of chalk and a friend to create a gigantic and wonderful masterpiece in the comfort of their driveway. This has been a summer activity for kids for generations, and it encourages unstructured socialization, sharing, and working as a team. As an bonus the sidewalk chalk is very easy to clean up with just a little bit of water. 5. Have a picnic in the sculpture garden Several Southern California area art museums have a sculpture garden as part of their exhibit. Sculpture gardens can transport a young kid’s imagination to a whole new world of play and creativity as they tour these huge structures. Sculpture Gardens provide an excellent opportunity just to sit back, relax and have a picnic in this creative atmosphere. Kids dont always have to be creating something to enjoy art. Simply absorbing the artistic atmosphere can lead to an increased imagination. Balboa Park in San Diego offers a great Sculpture Garden. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

FREE family days out for the summer holidays

FREE family days out for the summer holidays Summer's coming and although it may feel as though the kids have only just gone back to school, they'll need entertaining once again this summer holiday. There's no need to break the bank though, we've found some FREE family days out available nationwide! Woodland Trust The Woodland Trust offers free activities from bug hunting, crown making to pond dipping - there is an activity for children of all ages. Admission to the woods are free and their website has free printable activity sheets available to keep your children occupied in all weathers. To find your closest woodland, check out their website. Free Swim-Safe Sessions Children aged 7-14 can take part in open water 'Swim Safe' sessions running in 14 open-water locations in England and Wales throughout August. The programme, run by ASA-qualified swimming teachers, will include 30-minutes of open water swimming, along with advice on water safety from qualified lifeguards. To book and find out more information head over to Pet Workshops Pets At Home have fantastic interactive workshops to get kids up close and personal to learn about the small furry friends that they have in-store, and give a really 'hands-on' approach to pet care. Whether it be aquatics, small furries or reptiles your child is interested in, please be sure to book in advance as there are limited spaces per store. Museums There are more than 180 museums spread across the UK which you can visit completely for free. Many will also run extra free events over the school holidays, so it's worth checking their websites to see what's on offer. The Museum Association or a simple google search can help you find an event local to you. Cycle Trails There are many National Parks across the country that have some beautiful cycle trails. There are plenty of studies to show that the physical, mental, emotional, and social benefits of cycling are almost limitless. And it's a great way of making the most out of your national parks. The National Park website offers a search function so you can find a park local to you. Visit England The Visit England website is not just for tourists. Search your county, select filters 'Family' and 'Budget' and find a variety of FREE days out for you and your family. From bird watching to fossil hunting there is something for all ages. Free Cinema Tickets Ella's Kitchen have teamed up with Odeon cinema's to offer FREE CINEMA TICKETS to families nationwide. All you need to do is answer the question to be in the chance of winning. Alternatively, Voucher Cloud are offering a third screening of any film absolutely free (expires 25-06-17) saving you up to 20 per person. Fruit Picking Fruit picking can be a great cheap alternative for a family day out. Many local fruit farms offer activities for children throughout the summer months, including cookery classes, jam making and baking. Find a PYO fruit farm near you here. If you know of any free family days out we would love to hear from you. Simply send us a tweet @FirstTutors

What are the Common Characteristics of English Tutor Ads?

What are the Common Characteristics of English Tutor Ads?English tutor ads on the internet are probably the most searched items for that student who cannot cope with a classroom situation or perhaps those whose native language is not English. And the reason why such student desire for such tutoring services is because the English language is one of the languages that people need to learn when it comes to business, science and so on.However, English tutor services are also getting less popular now that the international market is becoming more influenced by global culture and language. One of the reason is that student's needs to learn it at home rather than spending money on a tutor or traveling to the place where he needs to learn it. In this scenario, those students who have spent their hard earned money to study in English speaking country are now shifting to the other areas and studying English at home.When it comes to an English teacher, they are becoming less popular nowadays d ue to the fact that these teachers are staying in England. So students prefer to go to a place where they can still get proper education. This means that there are fewer English teachers, so the student who wants to learn English can do so at his own pace.But even if the teacher was English speaking, the tuition is not only limited to that but the language is also incorporated in the tutor's lesson plans. For instance, there is some awareness about grammar rules, vocabulary, writing style and so on in this type of tutor.Therefore, while some students find it boring to hear lectures, they don't want to pay for a tutor who is not good enough to impart the necessary knowledge in the course. Sometimes students are put off by the fact that there are many scams in the internet but they do not realize the importance of searching carefully before they actually sign up with the tutor. So, it is important to search on the internet and conduct proper research for finding the right English tuto r services and finding the best tutor for the fee.There are few common characteristics of any English tutor services like the one who teaches English and others may have different learning styles. For instance, some would be strict on their lessons, while others would come in touch with the vocabulary point by point. And for some, tuition is all about creating you understand the English language better, while for others they want to learn English, find out you have the capability to write, speak and read in the language.It is important to find out the best English tutor in your area, based on the personal preference of the student, or because they wish to go to a certain country for learning. A tutor's personal fee will reflect his expertise and knowledge about the English language.